
Shenzhen TEVOE Material Science CO .LTD

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TEVOE 光擴(kuò)散塑料 PC 5240T-5W
產(chǎn)品/服務(wù): 瀏覽次數(shù):1341PC 5240T-5W 
型 號(hào): 5240T-5W 
規(guī) 格: 光擴(kuò)散塑料 PC 
品 牌: TEVOE 
單 價(jià): 電議/面議 
起訂量: 1000 KG 
供貨總量: 20000 KG
發(fā)貨期限: 自買(mǎi)家付款之日起 3 天內(nèi)發(fā)貨
更新日期: 2019-05-07  有效期至:長(zhǎng)期有效
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 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):  5240T-5W
 產(chǎn)品規(guī)格:  光擴(kuò)散塑料 PC
 產(chǎn)品品牌:  TEVOE
光擴(kuò)散塑料,適度的透光率,在透光率損失較小的情況下,實(shí)現(xiàn)光擴(kuò)散功能,消附近點(diǎn)光源現(xiàn)象,無(wú)鹵阻燃,良好的延展性和韌性,紫外線穩(wěn)定。是LED照明及普通照明理想的材料. Light diffusion specification, moderate light transmittance, the transmittance loss is smaller, the light diffusion function, eliminating near point light, halogen free flame retardant, good ductility and toughness, UV stabilized. Is the most ideal LED lighting and general lighting materials.

PC 5240T-5W
Technical Data
Light diffusion specifications, excellent light transmittance, halogen-free flame retardant, good ductility and toughness, UV stability.
Property Test Condition Unit Standard  Value
Physical Properties        
Specific Gravity - g/cm3 ASTM D 792 1.19
Water Absorption 24hr,23℃,50%rh % ASTM D 570 0.15
Mold Shrinkage % ASTM D 955 0.3 to0.7
Melt Flow Index 300℃/1.2kg g/10min ASTM D 1238 15
Mechanical Properties        
Tensile Strength 1.5mm/min Mpa ASTM D 638 60
Elongation at Break 1.5mm/min % ASTM D 638 120
Flexural Strength 1.3mm/min,50mm span Mpa ASTM D 790 95
Flexural Modulus 1.3mm/min,50mm span Mpa ASTM D 790 2450
Izod Notched Impact Strenth 1/8in(3.2mm),Izod,23℃ J/m ASTM D 256 750
hermal Properties        
temperature of deflection under load 264psi(1.8Mpa),3.2mm ASTM D 648 125
Glass transition temperature 10℃/min ASTM D 648 129
vicat softening temperature 50N;50℃/h ASTM D 648 135
Burning behavior UL94(UL recognition) 3.2mm Class UL-94 V0
Other Propeties        
Transmissivity 3mm % ASTM D 1003 83
Reflectance 3mm % ASTM D 1003 -
Haze 6mm % ASTM D 1003 98
These property characteristics are taken fron the TEVOE plastics data bank and are base on the international catalogue
 of basic data for plastics according to ASTM.
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